Parents & registered members of the Cathedral must attend a preparatory class before
the baptism can take place. Please contact the Parish
Office to schedule the class with our priest at 701-235-4289.
In our Diocese, First Reconciliation is
received in 2nd grade and First Holy Communion and Confirmation are received in 3rd grade.
See the religious education tab for more information, or call Teresa at 701-235-4289 or email
To be married at the Cathedral of Saint Mary, one or both persons of the engaged couple must be a practicing Catholic. The Cathedral must be contacted 6 months prior to the wedding. If you are not a registered parishioner of the Cathedral, you will need your priest to prepare you for the sacrament of marriage and be here to celebrate the wedding. Please call Emmaline at 701-235-4289 or email with questions.
If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church please
contact Mary Hanbury at 701-356-7909.